modernismo englis inglês quiz


atividade de 10 questões

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1 What was one of the main influences of Modernism in Brazil?

a) Romanticism<br />b) Parnassianism<br />c) European avant-garde movements, such as Futurism and Cubism<br />d) Realism

2 Who was the author of "Pauliceia Desvairada", a landmark of Brazilian Modernism?

a) Manuel Bandeira<br />b) Oswald de Andrade<br />c) Mário de Andrade<br />d) Carlos Drummond de Andrade

3 In which city did the Modern Art Week, which gave rise to Modernism in Brazil, take place?

a) Salvador<br />b) Rio de Janeiro<br />c) São Paulo<br />d) Belo Horizonte

4 The Anthropophagic Manifesto, written by Oswald de Andrade, proposed:

a) The critical absorption of foreign culture and its transformation into something<br />Brazilian<br />b) The return to Brazilian indigenous traditions<br />c) The complete rejection of European influence<br />d) The strengthening of Parnassianism

5 What characteristic is common in the works of the first modernist phase in Brazil?

a) Use of colloquial language and close to orality<br />b) Strong moralistic appeal<br />c) Valuation of formal and erudite language<br />d) Religious and mystical themes

6 In the second phase of Modernism (1930-1945), which theme was most explored by the authors?

a) Social and political criticism<br />b) Indigenous mythology and symbolism<br />c) The search for the fantastic and surreal<br />d) Formal experimentalism

7 Which writer is considered one of the greatest representatives of the second phase of Brazilian Modernism?

a) João Cabral de Melo Neto<br />b) Manuel Bandeira<br />c) Jorge Amado<br />d) Graciliano Ramos

8 Which of these works is by Clarice Lispector, an important figure of the third modernist phase?

a) "Grande Sertão: Veredas"<br />b) "Vidas Secas"<br />c) "A Hora da Estrela"<br />d) "O Guarani"

9 How can we define the proposal of modernist aesthetics?

a) Rescue of classical traditions<br />b) Formal freedom and artistic innovation<br />c) Complete rejection of any foreign influence<br />d) Search for technical perfection in poetry and prose

10 Which of these Brazilian painters was involved in the Modern Art Week of 1922?

a) Candido Portinari<br />b) Tarsila do Amaral<br />c) Di Cavalcanti<br />d) Anita Malfatti

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