wich gmod murder personality do you have?

wich gmod murder personality do you have?

find your gmod murder personality before abogu gets you

Imagem de perfil user: Kira Queen
Kira Queen

you are a bystander. you hear knife sounds.

hide in the nearest room's dark spot
bhop straight to the location, knowing the murder can't kill you
go in the sound's direcion, hoping to find someone and figure things out
you follow the sound and see the murderer, following them without being noticed
you get there, see the gun, get it, shoot. round ends.

you are a bystander with a gun and are in a room with another person.

stay far until know if they are trustable
shoot them
aim your gun at them and tell to not approach
go away
stay near them

you are the murderer. you are together with 2 bystanders

kill them
"wanna see a magic trick? turn around"
wait for the right opportunity to do it
"it's gonna be one of those days..."
they wonder "if we both are innocent, and there's just us 3 left..."

you see the murderer coming your way.

get in a room, close the door and keep spamming 'E'.
dodge their attacks until you find the gun
bluff "do not approach, i will shoot!"
pull out the gun 🗿
crash the server with mental powers

you are the murderer and a bystander with a gun out approaches you

ask "may i wander around with you?"
shoot them
wait for an opportunity to shoot
say "look, the murderer!"
say you are innocent, they believe, go with them, they shoot the wrong person, you do sus
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