Am I with love with my favorite vigilante?

Am I with love with my favorite vigilante?

Quiz made just for fun. (Just found that photo, don't know from where it is.

Imagem de perfil user: Felix love Cats.



Would you try to look nice when you know you’ll seeing him?

I don't think so, it isn't a important meeting.
I would! I want to cause a good impression.

Do you ever catch yourself staring at your best friend

Sometimes. Hes is nice to look at, after all! But it's not like I can't stop staring or something.
No! Wouldn't that be creepy or something...

How often do you check your messages or social media when he isn't around?

Constantly. And whenever I get a message from them, I get major butterflies. I feel like I've been zapped by lighting or something...
I guess I'm not sure...if I check more often when we're apart, I've never noticed before.

Do you want to spend more time with him?

I want to be around them all the time. They're my favorite person, and I would spend every minute with them if I could.
I guess so. I have lots of fun with them, so why wouldn’t I want to be with them more?

Do you ever wonder what it’d feel like to kiss him?

No way! It's never crossed my mind, and it never will.
It's actually just started crossing my mind for the first time recently.

Do you feel jealousy when someone shows interests on him?

Yes, maybe ???
Not at all, were not an couple.

Do you feel anxious and nervous in front of your favorite vigilante?

I mean, sometimes..
Sometimes, but it isn't uncommon.
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