Real Friends and Online Friends

Real Friends and Online Friends

This is a quizz where you can see if you prefer online friendships or real friendships

Imagem de perfil user: Clara Corte

Clara Corte


What do you like to do in your free time

watch a film at home alone
go out with your friends
staying on social media
cooking with friends

what type of friend are you?

the one who love hugs
the one who don´t like to interact
the one who prefer to knew new places
the one who prefer to go to the usual places

how do you feel at a big party?

excited and happy
OK, but I get tired of it after a while
I'd rather stay at home

Which of the following activities do you prefer at the weekend?

go to a party and have fun
stay home alone and rest
Having a quiet night with a close friend
getting online on social media

How do you feel about public speaking?

I love it and I feel comfortable
I'm OK with it, but it's not my favorite activity
I prefer to avoid it, but I can do it if necessary
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