Advinhe a música pela letra ( Lana Del Rey🎀)

Advinhe a música pela letra ( Lana Del Rey🎀)
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"I bought me a truck in the middle of the night
It'll buy me a year if i play my cards right..."

"I bought me a truck in the middle of the night It'll buy me a year if i play my cards right..."

Mariners Apartment Complex
Venice Bitch
"The power of youth is on my mind
Sunsets,small town, i'm out of time..."

"The power of youth is on my mind Sunsets,small town, i'm out of time..."

Fucked My Way Up To The Top
Old Money
Sweet Carolina
"Got my dress on tight 'cause you know that i..."

"Got my dress on tight 'cause you know that i..."

White Dress
Let The Light In
"I'm flyin' to the moon again,dreamin' about marzipan
Taking all my medicine to take my thoughts away..."

"I'm flyin' to the moon again,dreamin' about marzipan Taking all my medicine to take my thoughts away..."

"You should've known better
Than to have,to let her
Get you under her spell of the weather..."

"You should've known better Than to have,to let her Get you under her spell of the weather..."

The Blackest Day
Season Of The Witch
"That Words could turn to birds
And birds would send my thoughts your way..."

"That Words could turn to birds And birds would send my thoughts your way..."

Im My Feelings
Coachella- Woodstock Im My Mind
Cherry Blossom
"... California dreamin',got my money on my mind..."

"... California dreamin',got my money on my mind..."

Fuck It,I Love You
Love Song
"Santa Monica, i'm racing in the lights
For you,baby..."

"Santa Monica, i'm racing in the lights For you,baby..."

Bel Air
Burning Desire
Body Electric
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