Let's test your knowledge about advertising and its peculiarities

Let's test your knowledge about advertising and its peculiarities
In this quiz you will have questions about advertising in general and its main peculiarities. 

Which of the courses create the company's image?

Marketing is the creation of a company's image
Advertising is the creation of a company's image

What does a publicist do?

Only does graphic projects
Study the market and help create the company’s image

What is the process for creating an advertisement?

Think about how to record the campaign, look for good landscapes and publish the content
Study the market, target audience, trends and what strategy to use to reach the goal

What courses should I take to work as an advertiser?

Graphic, audio visual designer
Social communications or Journalism

How important is market research?

Understand the audience you will target
Search for the lowest value

Why good visual production of a campaign is important?

To get the public's attention
To look aesthetically beautiful

How important is advertising to the economy?

Advertising does not interfere with the economy
Increase the desire for some object, thus boosting the economy

When was advertising invented?


Where was advertising invented?

United States

Why was advertising invented?

Make the city more beautiful and colorful
Its main objective was to make companies at the time sell more.
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