O quão preparado (a) para a prova de Inglês você está?

O quão preparado (a) para a prova de Inglês você está?
Might, If Clauses, Will e meio ambiente 🌳💬 

Qual ação é prejudicial ao meio ambiente?

Use up

Qual está correta?

I might sleep early today
He mights meet me tonight
They might to study this afternoon
I might to go to the hospital

Complete a frase... If I have enough money...

I will travel to Canada
I won't travel to Canada
If I travel to Canada
I travel to Canada

Marque a alternativa que há a tradução correta: Ela provavelmente não irá na festa essa noite.

She will probably go to the party tonight.
She will probably not go to the party this night.
She's going to the party tonight.
She probably won't go to the party tonight.

If the polar ice melts, some animals will...

go to the cities
become extinct

Complete as frases com "might" e o verbo: She......enough money.

might have
might buy
might become
might do

Be careful! You ......

might fall
might deny
might fly
might climb

Germany ...... the game.

might figure out
might lose
might lost
might adore

Marque a resposta correta: I’m not going to the party anymore. No one can drive me there.

I'll give you a ride.
I'm not going too.
I'm so sorry for you
My aunt will drive me there.

Marque a alternativa que há tecnologias comuns já existentes.

Portable chargers, waterproof watches, wireless headphones.
Voice-activated lights, intelligent houses, tiny tv's in our glasses.
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