que tipo de cheater és tu?

que tipo de cheater és tu?

fidja da puta morre

Imagem de perfil user: Gustavo Lopes
Gustavo Lopes

How long have you been cheating?

Less than a year
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years damn

are you toxic?

if someone trashtalk me i'll do it aswell
always, my ego is high af
just for fun

you think you're good at hvh or mm hvh?

i'm average
i suck
i think i can play but actually i suck

can you play csgo without cheating?

nah, cheats saved my life
i can, i'm an average player without cheats
sometimes i play with cheats, sometimes i don't

Do u have media?

Nah, I really suck
Yeah, sometimes I have some really cool highlights
my score is always ass, i wanna die
i have a lot of media, top #1 hvh player

you think you're a big namer?

sure, a lot of people know me
yeah i make videos and i get a lot of views and subs
lmao yeah why do you even ask that?
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