Write a quiz science

Write a quiz science

Write a quis | science study Student: iviny Laiane Assis de Oliveira 9C Teacher ; Débora Júlia


Oque são átomos?

1. Oque são átomos?
Is a structure (composed of proton, neutron, electron, nucleus, levels, sublevels and orbitals) that forms matter. ... In its constitution, the atom has particles (protons, neutrons and electrons), not being the smallest part of matter.


2. Heredograma
Is a graphical representation of kinship relations between individuals. Through it, we can analyze what the pattern of a certain genetic inheritance is like within a family.


3. Biodiversidade
Biological diversity - describes the richness and variety of the natural world. Plants, animals and microorganisms provide food, medicine and much of the industrial raw material consumed by humans. ... Plants, for example, are at the base of ecosystems.


4. Hereditariedade
Is the biological system of transmission of certain characteristics of living beings between generations. For the full functioning of this structure, genes are needed - a piece of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that houses genetic information.

Estado físico da matéria

5. Estado físico da matéria
Liquid state; In this state matter has a lower union of molecules and a higher degree of agitation. In the liquid state, the particles are further apart from each other, having greater movement capacity. The shape in this state is variable and the volume constant. A good example is the water inside a container.


Solid state; the molecules that make up matter remain strongly united, having constant shape and volume. In this state, the particles practically do not move. Two examples are the trunk of a tree or an ice cube.


Gaseous state ; There is intense movement of the particles that form matter, the cohesion forces in this case are not very intense. The form and volume of matter in this state are variable.

The shape of matter in a gaseous state depends on the container it occupies, not being in a container it will be deformed, as well as the air we breathe and cannot see. An example is the gas canister that has long gas that has taken some form
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