Are you a Conscious Consumer?

Are you a Conscious Consumer?

In this quizz you will see if you buy things in a conscious way.

When you go to the mall, what do you do?

When you go to the mall, what do you do?

I go to a few stores, and if i find something I really like I buy it.
I am always at the mall, and everytime I go I buy a new thing.
I don't go to the mall// when I go I don't buy anything
I only go to the mall when there is something I already know I want to buy, because I already made a research.
I go to several stores untill I find what I want.
How many times a year do you make a big change in your wardrobe?

How many times a year do you make a big change in your wardrobe?

One/two times a year.
I only buy when it's really necessary
I don't like buying clothes
Everytime I have a chance: I like changing
Do you check the prices of the things you are buying?

Do you check the prices of the things you are buying?

Sometimes i do, but others I forget.
Yes, and I also research to check if I don't find it cheaper.
Nah, if I like it I just buy it.
What do you do with the money you own?

What do you do with the money you own?

I save it for something I will really want in the future.
I save part of it and spend the rest.
I spend everything.
What do you do when you find a sale?

What do you do when you find a sale?

I check the products, if there is something that I like you buy it.
I always enter in sales and buy a lot: we only live once!
I give my self a little budget, and I can only spend that money.
I don't like to buy nothing.
What do you do do if a seller pressures you to buy something?

What do you do do if a seller pressures you to buy something?

I buy it. I don't deal nicelly with pressure.
I don't buy it, unless I really wanted it.
I buy it; I would do it anyway.
I don't buy it; who do he thinks he is?

When a seller changes the price in front of you, what do you do?

I go talk to him; he can't do that.
If the prices changed a lot I go; if not, I don't go.
If I have the money, I do nothing.
I don't do anything about it.
I call the menager.
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