Are you a Mada or a Silvs?

Are you a Mada or a Silvs?

which one are you in a friendship, a mada or a silvs?

Imagem de perfil user: Madalena Pereira

Qual destes é o teu favorito?


Como é que contas os teus storytimes?

Conciso, direto ao assunto. Os teus storytimes são raros mas sempre interessantes e engraçados.
Mandas 50 áudios em que divagas cerca de 5 vezes, com histórias paralelas e anotações que achas importantes mas na realidade só distraem da história principal
Tentas contar coisas interessantes mas toda a gente goza com o teu sotaque em vez de prestar atenção
Toda a gente se cala para te ouvir mas pequenos detalhes da tua história tornam os comentários uma bullying fest.

Which of the Powerpuff Girls are you?

Bubbles -most pure-hearted of the Powerpuff Girls. However; Bubbles is still a crybaby. She is nice and kind. Bubbles is really bubbly and very sweet. Bubbles is still naive, however she is a go getter and very energetic
Bubbles -most pure-hearted of the Powerpuff Girls. However; Bubbles is still a crybaby. She is nice and kind. Bubbles is really bubbly and very sweet. Bubbles is still naive, however she is a go getter and very energetic
Buttercup is the one who usually starts an argument or fight. She loves to rough-house and is very sarcastic and sometimes rude. Gets into trouble 10/10.
Buttercup is the one who usually starts an argument or fight. She loves to rough-house and is very sarcastic and sometimes rude. Gets into trouble 10/10.
Blossom is the known brainiac of the group but she isn't shy or nerdy in the least. Very serious and mature.
Blossom is the known brainiac of the group but she isn't shy or nerdy in the least. Very serious and mature.

What kind of person are you at parties?

Goes absolutely crazy and needs to be taken care of by the end of the night or you'll end up jumping off fountains and calling your ex.
The one that gets with the guys, any night where there isn't a cute guy is a bad night.
The one that takes care of the dumb drunk one
The dumb drunk one

Which of these sentences most describes you under the influence of drugs?

super chill, just wants to lie down and listen to lo-fi, might get a snack and pass out.
starts spinning like a freaking beyblade vROOOOOOOOOM there's no time to stop, will spin and make food for everyone and vlog everything cause suddenly every nerve in your body just PSTSTSTTSTSTSTSTS

Which of these sentences speaks to you on a deep level?

"Tanta mulher linda por aí a sofrer fds só de pensar até fico triste.. as feias tou me a cagar"
"meh agora que ele está interessado já me tou a cagar"
"sinto-me um beyblade"
"how is salad made?"
(numa entrevista de candidatura a um colégio católico) "Jesus foi só uma figura histórica"
"nós bebemos coffee like addicts mas somos putas baratas"

What type of person are you when you're into someone?

You're never into anyone seriously because commitment is disgusting and people are just generally not interesting enough.
becomes a simp and would probably do anything for that person, overthinks too much and is too nice even if the person is an asshole to them

Which number do you sexually identify as?


Which one of these places would you rather live?


What's your Montaditos order?

tudo o que tenha cebola caramelizada, molhos e carne desfiada, bomba de calorias.
tudo o que tenha ar de ser mascarado como saudável mas com uma quantidade razoável de carne e queijo
só vou pelas batatas de 5 molhos

Which HIMYM character do you relate the most to?

Robin Scherbatsky
Robin Scherbatsky
Ted Mosby
Ted Mosby
Barney Stinson
Barney Stinson
Lily Aldrin
Lily Aldrin
Marshall Eriksen
Marshall Eriksen
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