Are you a therian?

Are you a therian?


Imagem de perfil user: julia pinheiro

julia pinheiro

Have you ever dreamed or daydreamed about being an animal?

Have you ever dreamed or daydreamed about being an animal?

Yes, I dream/daydream about it very often.
No, I don't think I've dreamed/daydreamed about that.
I don't get dreams that often.
I can remember dreaming/daydreaming it once or twice.
Have you ever gotten a phantom shift? (feeling that one or more missing limbs are there, ex: tail, paws, fur, ears, ect.)

Have you ever gotten a phantom shift? (feeling that one or more missing limbs are there, ex: tail, paws, fur, ears, ect.)

Yes, I get it almost everyday. I can clearly feel like they belong there.
Yes, I get that feeling every 2-3 days. It's not very clear, but I can still feel it.
No, I don't think I've experienced that.
I can recall feeling that once or twice.
Have you ever got urges to run/explore a specific biome as an animal?

Have you ever got urges to run/explore a specific biome as an animal?

Yes, I get that almost everyday. I get frustrated when I realise that I'm not there.
Yes, I get that every 2-3 days. It's a feeling like I belong there and that's my true home.
I can remember getting that feeling, but I can't exactly feel it right now, or I don't remember what place it was...
No, I don't think I've gotten urges to do that. I'm comfortable where I am right now.
When you look in the mirror, how do you feel?

When you look in the mirror, how do you feel?

I feel like I'm in the wrong body. I can't stand looking in the mirror for too long.
I feel like that's not who I truly am inside. I don't like looking in the mirror for too long.
I feel frustrated, but that's probably because of my insecurities/neurodivergency(ies).
I feel perfectly fine with how I currently look. I don't feel some kind of desire to be something else.
When you do animalistic activities such as quadrobics and vocals, how do you feel?

When you do animalistic activities such as quadrobics and vocals, how do you feel?

I don't feel anything, really. I'm just imitating animals.
I feel like I'm being my true self, and I feel like that's the sound/movement I'm supposed to do naturally.
I don't really do those activities that often to get a conclusion now.
I kind of feel like I'm doing these naturally and out of instinct, but I'm not so sure.
Did you use to do those animalistic activities when you were younger? Like, before knowing therianthropy?

Did you use to do those animalistic activities when you were younger? Like, before knowing therianthropy?

Yes, but I was just having fun. (it's normal for children to imitate what they see! :D)
Yes, but because it felt right. It felt like I was supposed to do that, even tho I was/am a human physically.
No, I didn't really do those before knowing about therianthropy. I only really came to practice those now.
No, I didn't do those.
I can't remember.
How would you name your urges and instincts?

How would you name your urges and instincts?

I'd name them human. Most of my instincts/urges are humanlike.
I'd name them animal. Most of my instincts/urges are animalistic.
I'd name them animal but with a little human, too. Most of my instincts/urges are animalistic, but I can also get humanlike urges once in a while.
I'd name them human but with a little animal, too. Most of my instincts/urges are humanlike, but some part of my instincts is also animal.
I don't get urges/instincts that often to make a conclusion now.

If you reencarnated into an animal, how would you feel?

I would feel weird and want to go back to my human body.
I would just accept it. There's nothing I can do.
I would feel like it was natural and that was already supposed to happen. I would like to stay this way, and not to go back to my human body.
I would feel happy because I've always hated my human life, but that's probably because of my trauma/insecurities/neurodivergency(ies).
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