Baseado em Digimon Survive, quem seria seu parceiro digital?

Baseado em Digimon Survive, quem seria seu parceiro digital?

Com o lançamento de Digimon Survive, finalmente foi possível testar a mecânica de diálogos para recrutar novos monstrinhos. Baseado nas preferências de cada Digimon, este quiz é capaz de dizer quem seria seu parceiro nesta incrível aventura!

Imagem de perfil user: Pedro Duarte

Pedro Duarte


Whenever I meet a scary monster, I just start apologizing. Weird, right?

You’re a nice 'mon.
You don't wanna fight.
You're a scaredy-cat.
I guess it's instinct?

Someday I'm gonna run this joint!

Good to have goals.
Let me work for you!
Not a chance!

What's the most important thing to you?

My friends.

Why are leaves green?

To make people calm.
Can't say really.
It's the chlorophyll.
Or yellow, or red...

What do you do for fun?

Hide and seek.
Climbing trees.

I don't care how tough you are, I'm not gonna lose!

I'm not gonna lose!
Nice, so energetic!
I don't want to fight.

Have you ever told a lie?

Never ever.
I don't want to say.
Once, for a friend.

I don't feel so good... Someone, help... ...Pfft, ha ha ha, just kidding! Did I getcha?!

I'm glad you're okay.
Whoa, you scared me!
What awful acting…
That was lame!

I don't care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain't gonna trust no human!

I trust you.
I'll earn your trust!
What can I do, then?
Fine by me.

Go on... Try guessing what I think of ya!

That I'm funny!
That I'm cool?
That I'm easygoing?
That I’m trouble…

Boy, you're a tough-lookin' mug, aren't ya?! I bet I'd lose if we threw down...

Have more confidence!
I'd definitely lose.
We'd probably tie.
Why don’t we find out?

Hey, what kinda food do ya like?

Hey, what kinda food do ya like?
Love me some meat!
Why should I tell you?
Veggies all the way.

Next! Whaddaya think'd be a good prank?

Water balloons?
A pit trap?
Tripping someone?
Pranks are bad!

Don't you think every day's just sooo boring?

Let's go do something!
Makes me wanna yawn.
Wanna fight for fun?
I’m too busy living.

What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect?

I'd be embarrassed.
Get Annoyed!
Thank that person.

I'd like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible...

There's no such thing.
Get ready.
Then let's retreat.
And yet fight we must.

Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn't it?

What a gentle soul!
They’re so cute!
Not for me, nope.

Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime?

No, but it's not easy.
I prefer fun.
You should go for it!
Yeah, shame on you!

If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it?

I'd scold them!
With my fists!
I’d protect my friend.

How do clouds in the sky look to you?

Makes you think, huh?
I wanna ride one!
Always transforming.

Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don't you think?

That sounds dangerous.
Be true to yourself.
Efficiency is key.
Leap before you look!

I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?

Even more than you!
You know your stuff!
Grin and bear it.
I'm not like you.

This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!

Hunt for yourself!
I'll think about it.
I need this food.
You give ME food!

Arrrrgh! Graaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!

[Let it simmer down.]
We can't live alone.
Calm down already!
That's crazy talk.

Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!

Thanks for the lesson!
It’s bad for the gut.
Yeah, the best!

I'll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa!

Nice, a tough one!
Scary! But I'll win.
Not if I beat you!
This'll be your grave.

Uurrgh... Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!

I know what you mean.
[Stare in amazement.]
Have more patience!
Can’t say the same…

Aint you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?

I eat everything!
You look strong.
Not really.
I prefer vegetables.

You sure like to puff out your chest around a weak monster like myself.

Strength's irrelevant.
Liar. You're not weak.
How rude!

Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me... You humans are so cruel.

I love peace, myself.
So let's call it off.
You attacked me!
You'll say anything...

I bet you've got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you!

I'm not telling you.
I've nothing to hide.
Secrets? I wonder...

What do you think decides what's right or wrong?

Your own beliefs.
Reality itself.
Your preferences?

You may think of those around you as friends, but perhaps you're actually alone?

Do you have friends?
I wouldn't mind.
That's not true!

Let's make a deal: Throw the fight and I'll give you an item!

Interesting proposal!
I don't believe you.
I'll just beat you up.

Who do you think is worse? The deceiver or the deceived?

The deceiver, duh!
Only dupes get duped!
I don't like either.

Are you a boy or a girl?

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