Career quiz | CS, Maple Bear São Luís

Career quiz | CS, Maple Bear São Luís

Quiz to know what would be your future career. By: Marco Túlio Salgado, Pedro Parente, Maria Luísa Reis, Victor Vasconcelos



What is your relationship with mathematics?

I like it a lot, for me it’s simple
It’s not my favorite thing, but I do it
I hate it

Are you engaged in social projects?

I really like helping people on projects.
Indifferent, I help if it doesn't give me trouble.
I don't like social projects.

Do you like to stay in your comfort zone or do you like challenges

Yes, I like risking my self
No, I like to stay in my comfort zone
Indifferent, it’s not usual for me but maybe sometime I’ll do it

Do you like to express yourself using art?

I love it, I love making art
I think it’s cool but not so much, it’s not something I’ll spend a lot of my time on
No, prefer to do other things

Do you like leading?

Yes, I feel more confident leading than receiving orders
For me it’s ok if I need to, but I’ll not fight for it
No, I’m more secure receiving orders

Do you consider yourself extrovert ou introvert?

Depending with who I am

Talking in public, how do you feel?

It’s for me, I’m secure most of the times
I stay really nervous, it’s difficult but I go
It’s not even a option
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