Discover Your Caste in the World of Brave New World

Discover Your Caste in the World of Brave New World

In the dystopian society of Brave New World, everyone has a place. This quiz will reveal your caste based on your personality and preferences. Are you destined to lead as an Alpha or thrive in creativity as a Beta? Let’s find out!

Imagem de perfil user: Victor

How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Reading a book
Working on a project
Socializing with friends
Watching TV
Taking a nap

What motivates you the most in your work?

Achieving excellence and recognition
Creating and innovating
Being part of a team
Stability and routine
Completing tasks efficiently

How do you handle stress?

Analyzing the situation and finding solutions
Engaging in creative activities
Talking it out with friends
Following a set routine to stay calm
Physical exercise

What kind of books or media do you enjoy?

Non-fiction and academic works
Art and design magazines
Popular fiction and social media
TV shows and movies
Simple, easy-to-follow content

How do you prefer to solve problems

Strategically and logically
Creatively and innovatively
Collaboratively with others
Practically and straightforwardly
By following instructions
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