Discover your type of intelligence

Discover your type of intelligence

Do this quiz and see what is your type of intelligence.


What would you do if you found a dog abandoned on the streets?

"Adopt him"
"Pass by"
"Take to the closest NGO"
"Cuddle, but pass by"

What would you do if you find a suitcase full of money?

"If no one's seeing, I'd get It for myself"
"I'd look for clues in it, to find for the person in internet"
"I would leave it there"

You wake up lost and naked in a forest, what would you do?

"Give up of life"
"Try to keep alive and survive"
"Why don't I give up soon?"

Do you like minecraft?


You found a child lost in the shopping, what will you do?

"Pass by"
"I'd look for the security guard"
"I would wait with the children"

Imagine "you are alone in your house then suddenly you hear noises, some seconds later the lights turn off" what would you do?

"Stay hidden in my blankets"
"I'll explore an find the problem"
Leave your house running

Imagine "It's your birthday, but you receive a present you didn't like" what will you do?

"Throw it away"
"Change it for something you like"
"Stay with it and don't complain", because you are polite

What would you do if you were invisible?

"I would only walk naked"
"I would rob a bank"
"I would scare people I don't like to stay with"

What if you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life?

"I would love It"
"I would cry"
"I would prefer being feed by a can"

What would you do if "you are going to die tomorrow" ?

"I'd spend the rest of the day with my friends and family"
"I'd eat all of my favorite foods one last time"
"I would have a panic attack"

what would you do if you were locked in a elevator and she started labor?

"I've learnt all of this in Grey's anatomy, let's get that baby"
"I would try to calm her down and wish someone to help us"
"I would start paniccing"

What would you do if "a child keeps kicking your butt and his/her mother is doing nothing about It" ?

"I would stare at the mother until she does something"
"I would kick the child's butt"
"I would curse the child"

What would you do if your best friend told you he killed someone?

"I would help him about the rests"
"I would denunciate him"
"I would stop meeting him"

What would you do if you were a chid and got bad grades?

"I never get bad grades"
"I would tell the true to my parents"
"Bad grades are normal for me, my parents won't complain"

What would you do if you discover you are being betrayed by your girlfriend/boyfriend?

"Kill he/she"
"Give up on the person"
"pass by, but cry"
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