Find your inner philosopher

Find your inner philosopher

Find out which philosopher most aligns with your beliefs and values! In this fun and reflective quiz, you'll answer a series of questions that explore your perspectives on life, morality, and knowledge. In the end, we will reveal the current of thought that best represents your way of seeing the world. Get ready for a philosophical journey that may surprise you and inspire you to think more deeply about your own convictions!

Imagem de perfil user: maggie




1. When faced with a moral dilemma, what do you prioritize?

Adhering to a universal moral rule, regardless of the consequences.
The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
Ensuring fairness and equality in the outcome for everyone involved.
Protecting individual rights and freedoms, even if it leads to unequal outcomes.

2. How do you view the role of government in society?

It should enforce moral laws that uphold ethical standards for all.
It should promote policies that maximize overall happiness.
It should ensure justice and fairness, providing equal opportunities for all.
It should primarily protect individual liberties and property rights.

3. What motivates your decisions the most?

A sense of duty and moral obligation.
The potential to create joy and reduce suffering.
The pursuit of justice and equality.
The desire to maintain personal freedom and autonomy.

4. How do you feel about personal sacrifice for the greater good?

It’s important to act according to duty, even if it requires sacrifice.
Sacrifice is worthwhile if it leads to greater happiness for more people.
Sacrifice should only be made if it contributes to a fair outcome for everyone.
Personal sacrifice should not be forced; individuals should choose their own paths.

5. What is your view on moral principles?

They are absolute and must be followed without exception.
They should be flexible and aimed at promoting overall well-being.
They must be based on fairness and justice for all individuals.
They should respect individual rights and allow for personal choice.
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