How generous are you? ✨
Do you think you're stingy and cheap? It doesn´t mean you are a bad person, but but it is important to prefer to give than to receive sometimes. Answer the questions and find out how generous you are! ❣️

If you see a poor person on the street, you:
pass straight and don't even look.
ask what he/she needs.
give money.
give food, never just the money.

If a friend asks you some money, you:
dont´t give, after all its your money.
give, but depends who is the friend.
give if its not too much for you.
give and don´t even ask it back.

If you had found a bag with a lot of money, you
would try to find the owner, but if it wasn't possible you would take it for you.
would try to find the owner, but if it wasn't possible you would donate all the money.
would leave there, it is not yours.
would take it immediately and wouldn't even worry about the owner.

When you do something for someone, do you expect something in return?
At least a thank you.
No, I'm doing it just to help.

What do you think about social inequality?
''A sad situation that we must fight to achieve more equality."
"Something normal, the world wouldn't work if it didn't exist."
''There is nothing wrong with that, what everyone has is their own merit."