How Much do You Know About Marvel?

How Much do You Know About Marvel?

Marvel Quiz. Read all questions and answer them correctly.


Marvel Comics better known as Marvel Entertainment was founded in what year?

Marvel Comics better known as Marvel Entertainment was founded in what year?

1938, Nova Iorque, Nova York, EUA
1939, Nova Iorque, Nova York, EUA
1945, Nova Iorque, Nova York, EUA
1930, Nova Iorque, Nova York, EUA
What was the first superhero of wonder? (his first appearance was in 1939)

What was the first superhero of wonder? (his first appearance was in 1939)

Human Torch
Captain America
Iron Man
What was the first movie released by Marvel?

What was the first movie released by Marvel?

The Avengers (2012)
Ant Man (2015)
Iron Man (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Who owned and founded the company that became Marvel Comics?

Who owned and founded the company that became Marvel Comics?

Stan Lee
Martin Goodman
Steve Ditko
Joe Simon
What was Marvel's first comic?

What was Marvel's first comic?

Marvel Comics
The Incredible Hulk
Champions Tournament
Kung Fu Master
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