let's be friends and get soul married in the woods

let's be friends and get soul married in the woods

let's become blood friends or i'm just gonna write your name in my panties

Imagem de perfil user: mastiarn



What's usually your favourite activity?

What's usually your favourite activity?

making art, it moves me every part of my body, i'm art so it's everything i can do
i don't know i just usually be smoking weed, i'm always high
i don't have activities, i'm 100% of my time studying
i love nature it's the only truth i really know, so i'm always exploring in the woods and trying to feel more and more that i'm part of nature
i'm very chill i like to go outside and just hang with my friends and enjoy life
What's your favourite type of movies?

What's your favourite type of movies?

i love action and i love Quentin Tarantino movies and Martin Scorcese movies
i don't like movies that much
tv shows>>
I like movies that fuck up your whole idea of being here alive
I love mystical dreamy sexual movies that have present a feeling throught them all
what's your opinion on freedom of your own body

what's your opinion on freedom of your own body

i think it's right but exposing your skin on th internet and not expecting to be catcalled i mean...
yessss boobs !!!!
most of us have a physical form, our bodies, it's something that belongs not to anyone else, so we create our own reality and everyone should own their bodies and do what they please with it
I understand it but you are kind of a show off for posting pictures ....
Choose a quote!

Choose a quote!

" Whatever can those people be doing down there like a lot of ants? A suprising number of human beings are without purpose. Although it's probable of course, that they are performing some necessary function unknown to themselves."
" The amount of money that is in your bank at the time of your death is the extra work you did which wasn't necessary"
" of all the misconceptions about love the most powerful and persuasive is the belief that falling in love is love"
What's your favourite type of music ?

What's your favourite type of music ?

i literally listen to everything ( rap, trap, techno, indie , rock, indie, classical)
techno and reggaeton
trap, techno, rap
rock and indie
CLassiCAL MUSICCCCCCC, indie, rock, trap and rap are cool tho
Do you believe in reverse racism, like racism to white people ?

Do you believe in reverse racism, like racism to white people ?

gurl... that ain't real... and it will never be that doesn't even make sense, racism no. period.
yes, i think people dont understand that it is real people have to let go of the things thAT HAPPENED IN THe past
If you could ask and have what woud you ask for?

If you could ask and have what woud you ask for?

a boyfriend
titties in my mouth
drugs, pills
full conection with myself
unconditional love in any time of way
What would we do together?

What would we do together?

smoke sesh in a random place
smoke sesh in my house
let's be together and literally do wtv do you want to spontaneous go skinny dipping or go to the wounds and just run " free" (if ya know you know), let's go to the top of some cool place and just scream lets just do wtv idc but make it legen- wait for it -----DARY
Let's go eat and walk and talk maybe in the city
let's go watch the moonlight with red wine and just talk and talk
what do you think you are?

what do you think you are?

lol i'm me wtf, organs and shit
honestly i believe my truth form is energy that fuctions as a soul
idk i'm still trying to figure things out
did you lie in any of this just to get answer you wanted to?

did you lie in any of this just to get answer you wanted to?

fuck yeh i did
lmao i don't give a fuck i'm me not gonna lie about what i like
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