MY TOYS: Young Learners 1

MY TOYS: Young Learners 1

Guess the name of the toys

Imagem de perfil user: Será que ela merece


Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a basketball
It's a soccer ball
It's a tennis ball
It's a volleyball
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's an airplane
It's a soccer ball
It's a doll
It's a train
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a hula hoop
It's a doll
It's a soccer ball
It's a kite
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a board game
It's a hula hoop
It's a bike
It's a jump rope
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a doll
It's an elephant
It's a teddy bear
It's an airplane
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a jump rope
It's a board game
It's a train
It's a puzzle
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a kite
It's a bike
It's a baseball glove
It's a skateboard
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a bike
It's a skateboard
It's a kite
It's a video game
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a soccer ball
It's a puzzle
It's a teddy bear
It's a kite
Which toy is this?

Which toy is this?

It's a kite
It's a baseball glove
It's a doll
It's an elephant
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