My wife and kids - Quiz (S04EP23)

My wife and kids - Quiz (S04EP23)

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Imagem de perfil user: Allanys Duarte
Allanys Duarte
Why wasn't Calvin  a good employee?

Why wasn't Calvin a good employee?

a) Because he didn't work hard.
b) Because he made a bad bacon in the company he worked before.
Why wasn't  Clear's tactic right?

Why wasn't Clear's tactic right?

a) Because she was discovered.
b) Because it wasn't honest.
Why did the client want to call a lawyer?

Why did the client want to call a lawyer?

a) Because Calvin was a bad professional.
b) Because the client liked the show.
Why didn't Junior want the promotion?

Why didn't Junior want the promotion?

a) Because he didn't like the salary.
b) Because he didn't feel good in causing the dismissal of Calvin.
Why did Clear cheat on her work about cold fusion?

Why did Clear cheat on her work about cold fusion?

a) Because she is lazy.
b) Because she is to pretty.
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