Not sure what to pick?

Not sure what to pick?

Answer the questionary below to see what is the best Cerne+ Plan for you!

Imagem de perfil user: Cerne


1. Payment Preference:

1. Payment Preference:

I prefer to make a single large payment upfront.
I’m okay with making larger payments every few months.
I prefer to make smaller, regular payments.
2. Cash Flow Management:

2. Cash Flow Management:

I can easily handle a large payment all at once.
I can manage larger payments but would prefer not to pay a large sum upfront.
I need to keep payments smaller and more frequent to fit my budget.
3. How committed are you to this service for the upcoming year?

3. How committed are you to this service for the upcoming year?

I’m confident I’ll use this service for the entire year.
I’m committed for at least six months, but not necessarily the whole year.
I’m unsure about long-term use and prefer flexibility.
4. Flexibility Needs:

4. Flexibility Needs:

I don’t need much flexibility and can commit to a longer payment term.
I’d like some flexibility but am okay with paying every six months.
Flexibility is very important, and I prefer to make changes or cancel easily.
5. Discount Consideration:

5. Discount Consideration:

I’m looking for a significant discount for paying in advance.
I’d appreciate a moderate discount but it's not a priority.
I’m less concerned about discounts and more focused on payment frequency.
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