(Original!) Your MHA Quirk! (+RPG)
This contains original MHA quirks that I created. Have fun deciding the powers of your ocs. This will be kinda long, since I tried to simulated most aspects of school/quirks/fights. All choices affect results. Din't be mad if you didn't get a super-op quirk. It doesn't define you. I am pretty sure you will do great things with this power (if you want to be a villain, I can't jugde you, can I?) All quirks are physical abilites, all of them have disadvantages! Have fun! Maybe I will add more questions and quirks...
Let's assume you entered UA sucessfully! You are in hero class 1-C (I know this class doesn´t exist, but pretend it does)! How will you act to your classmates?
I am kinda shy, so I will not talk much, but I will try my best to be gentle.
Allies = Power. I will act social, so everyone will be my friend, and I will rule this class. (evil laughter intensifies)
Kinda rude. I am not here to socialize. Not saying I am better than all of them, but I try to.
Depends on my classmates. I will not be good with a**holes, but I will try my best to be friends with the nice guys.
The morning classes were a bit boring, but now it's time for train. First part of train: In your opinion, wich one of these two is needed to win a fight?
Strenght and Power.
I am not sure./Both?
Second part of train: The first move is yours, what do you do?
Analyse the enemy's potential, maybe attack.
I would set a type of defense, and not attack.
Whatever I think I need to. It depends on the adversary, right?
Third part of the train: You got cornered by your classmate, what do you do?
Attack them when their close enough. That would deal many damage.
Defend myself in the corner, and wait until their power exhaust, then I would attack.
Defend myself and find a way out.
Fourth and last part of train: You were sucessfull in trying to get out the corner, last move?
Attack them with 100%, just to guarantee there would not be any more attacks.
Attack them with precision, so I don't waste my strenght and have more stocked if they handle it.
Defend myself and attack at the same time. Better safe than sorry.
You winned the fight! How do you react!
Jump around, happy you I did it!
It was a great fight! Praise my opponent!
Not much, it was easier than I tought.
Be a little bit mean. I can't help myself, I´ve got a big ego.
I am kinda tired, maybe I used too much of my power, but I winned, and that is great.
The train ended, you are all tired, and now it's time for a shower. You go in the boys/girls bathroom (i don't know what is your gender :>, if you are none of those go in to the bathroom of the gender you were assigned at birth). One of your classmates starts talking about the "Strongest Person In the 1 Year", what do you do?
I don't pay much attention, I don't plan fighting the "StRoNgEsT PeRsOn In ThE 1 YeAr" without motives.
I am busy taking a shower, buddy, I can't pay attention to that.
Turns out that the one talking was acctually the person you defeated during the fight. They turn to you and say: "Do you plan defeating Katsuki Bakugou too?" - you look at them, their face seems like they are holding a grudge. What do you answer?
"Yea, why not?" - I am being sarcastic.
"Yes of course." - I am being serious, fighting this guy would be interesting.
"No, I have no problems with him." - Fighting people for "fun" or "reputation" is kinda ridiculous. Being a hero is fighting for others protection, and hurting someone with zero reasons is stupid.
"No. Also, sorry if I did hurt your feelings today." - I don't want people to be mad at me because of a fight.

That is the end of your day, go home. >< NEXT DAY >< In your way to class, you see tons of people at 1-A's door. You wonder what is happening and suddendly, a blonde guy with spiky hair comes out of the class and screams: "Out of my way, extras!" What do you think/do?
"Extras?" - What is this guy talking about?
I get out of his way, he sounds like he is going to do something real stupid, like starting a fight or exploding.
I get out of his way, still wondering what the f*** is happening.
Some people start whispering and murmuring about how he looked like an angry poodle. He gets real mad and out of an impulse he says: "I CAN WIN FROM ANYONE HERE-" He looks around, with a evil smile, and turns to you, he says: "You look good enough, let's fight!" - and pulls you to the middle of the corridor, where you just stand there, ready to fight. Seems like you have no choice, what is your move?
Attack him. What idiot just fights someone out of impulse like that?
Defend myself. If I do the second move, I will have an idea from what or who I am fighting.
"Can you not-" - you get interrupted by an explosion.
First part of fight: The guy launches an explosion in your direction, and it hits your left arm. It hurts as hell, and part of your uniform burned. You:
"WHAT THE HELL?" - I scream, and attack.
"WHY THO-" - I protect myself from further explosions.
As he prepares explodes again, you decided to attack him in the middle of the smoke. You attack from:
His back. Can't catch these hands my dude.
The front. Hitting his face has a higher chance of blinding him, right?
From far away, he can't see it, he can't hit me.
Doesn't matter at all, I just want to hit him with the same strenght he hit me.
IT HITS! As the smoke goes out, he charges at you, and tries exploding right at your face! He failed, but now you are on fire.
Run around to cease fire!
Now that he is close, HIT HIM WITH 100%!
Get real close to him, so he gets on fire too.
"SL*T-" - I grab him by the arm and smack him agaisnt the floor. He is not that heavy.

After a few minutes, Bakugou was almost on the floor, you were winning. You kinda forgot that everyone is watching this, and of course, someone called a teacher. A black haired guy, that looks like he didn't get a good night of sleep in days, walks your direction. "Katsuki Bakugou, YN/SN (your name, your surname) principal's office, now."
What the heck? Who is him?
"And you are?" - A teacher arrived, now??
"Can't you see I am fighting?" - I look in the man's direction.
"He started it, ok?" - you hit Bakugou again, just to make sure nothing bad will happen to you.
"I HAD NO CHOICE-" - You scream to the man.
"MAYBE IF YOU ARRIVED EARLIER-" He interrupts you by pulling you by the arm.
>< Principal's Office >< You and Bakugou were taken by the arms to the office, both of you obviously angry. Suddendly, a rat-looking-human jumps over that teacher and says: "I was expecting much more from the best 1 Year student and...I am sorry, what is your name?"
"I am YN/YS. Nice to meet you. You are the principal, right?"
"I am YN. Why am I here? This guy started." - Isin't that obvious??
"I am YS, greetings." - I am trying to be as much polite as I can, ok? This is unfair.
"Why do you need to know?" - At this point I don't care about being rude anymore, let me go to my class.
Silence. I look over to Bakugou. That guy was really irresponsible for a top tier student.
"YN/YS...I am Aizwawa, 1-A's teacher. I think you and Bakugou already "know" yourselves. I saw it was not your fault, you can go to lunch. Bakugou, you stay here. "Goodbye, by the way, I am Nezu, the principal!" - the rat said. Now it's lunch time, you better hurry up to not get in a line.
I leave with a smile on my face. I don't want too see this bastard anymore.
I leave with a serious face, but inside I am laughing a lot.
I leave quickly. It is lunch time!!!
"Goodbye." - *runs to exit*
>< LUNCH TIME >< There were multiple tables, but all occupied by a group, wich table looks better? You sit at the table you choose.
Table 1: A few the nicest classmates were there.
Table 5: The cool-looking people sit there. Maybe they are nice?
Table 7: The person I defeated was there. Maybe I could say sorry to them. What was their name?....Fujika Hasenga? Yea... (I gave them a random name and no gender :D)
As long as there is a vacant chair it's fine.
The people on the table seem to like you! Everything seems fine, until a black-haired girl with rectangular glasses sits by your side. All people on the table sigh, and you wonder what bothers them so much. The girl turns to you and says: "I am Hezere Ryuk, nice to meet you." - with a smile on her face. You answer:
"I am YN/YS, it's nice to meet you too, Ryuk." - I hope she is not evil or anything.
"I'm YN!" - I bet that girl is not that annoying.
"Sup, Hezere." - I smile back.
"Why did everyone sigh when you sit here?" - That girl didnt seem annoying or anything, but I am curious.
She looks over to the other people at the table, and says: "I can't believe yall not over it." A guy with green hair and a innocent smile, that is named Izuku Mydoria (you learned this at the conversation) looks at her and says: "That thing in the tests was mean..." - he barely talks, sounded more like a whisper. "It was a test." - She rolls her eyes, and leaves the table. She seems real sad. You?:
"What did she do in the "test"?" - stop making me so curious, god damn.
"Why is everyone so tense about the "test"?"
"Test?" - I didn't know about any test, did I lose something?!
I am in silence, I don't want to talk about that...seems tense.
"Oh...that girl?" - a tall girl with black hair and a big ponytail comments. - "Yesterday at the tests she sabotaged someone." "I didn't know about any test..." - you comment. "It was only at 1-A, idea from our teacher." - she says. Sabotage?...You were not expecting that. Before you could ask any details, the bell rings, and everyone is forced to go back to class. At class, you:
I can't pay attention at all, I really need to know what that girl did exactly.
That is not my business...I payed attention to the class of course.
After the last class the day... >< AT YOUR DORM >< You didn't have time to decorate the place yet, so you start thinking on how the place will look like when you finish decorating. While thinking you:
I walk around the room. Can't really concentrate.
I listen to music, maybe that inspires me.
I go to bed, I am tired. It's only the second day of class and I got sent to the Principal's office. Damn.
The story continues...wait for more. I will do a part 2.