Oshi No Ko - Create your life!

Oshi No Ko - Create your life!

Oh yeah, this quiz is a little trashy lol.

Imagem de perfil user: Eric Diaz

Eric Diaz



You wake up in your room (of course lol) and you are ready for your first day of school! But... Wear waistcoat?

No thx :p
No thx :p

Yoto High School! You made a friend! Yay! But wait... Who is that?

Minami!(srry for image lol)
Minami!(srry for image lol)
Frill! (bad image again)
Frill! (bad image again)
Ruby! (yes guys just bad images in here)
Ruby! (yes guys just bad images in here)
Kana (Image is good but repeated)
Kana (Image is good but repeated)
Aqua (bad imageeeeeeeee)
Aqua (bad imageeeeeeeee)

After school, you go home to rest. You recieve an unknown vídeo call. ???: Hi there! You: Who are you? Ruby: It's Ruby, from Yoto! You: Oh, ok. But HOW ARE YOU CALLING ME?! Ruby: You know... I got you number. You: HACKED?! Ruby: No! (Your bestie) sent me you number! {If you picked Ruby as your bestie then Ruby: No! You gave me your number, remember?} You: Oh, okie... But what's up? Ruby: It's my brother, you know. You: Aqua? Ruby: Yeah. You: What's with Aqua? Ruby: He found you very nice! You: That's nice! Ruby: Well, Aqua would like you to join LoveForReal! You:?

I was actually thinking of being a Talent manager...
Dang, just let me join your Idol group.
No time for that, gotta be a model like Minami!

Well Ruby made you go lol. What is the first thing you'll do?

Hello, Mem-Cho! I'm ur fan!
Akane, just break up with Aqua.
Nobuyuki and Yuki are so cute together!
Hi again Aqua!
I wanted to be in Ichigo production. Waa ToT
Hi Yuki! You're a model, right?

Mem-Cho realizes your cute face right away! She runs to you before you can do anything and asks: Mem-Cho: Ah, sorry, but you're just too cute! You: Thanks! Mem-Cho: Listen, I've been thinking about 10 seconds ago... I'm in B-Komachi, and I wanted to know if you would like to join! You: Well... Wait, B-Komachi? Oh, gosh, I'm such a fan! Yes, maybe just one day at Ichigo Production wouldn't hurt... Mem-Cho: You'll love it!


The next day, you go to Ichigo Productions! Miyako, Ruby, Kana and Mem-Cho recieve you with kindness! Kana: Wait, aren't you (You)? I'm Kana form Yoto, remember me? Ruby: Just a reminder, I'm Ruby form Yoto! Mem-Cho: WHAT? IF YOU FOUND HER BEFORE, THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU INVITE HER SINCE THE BEGINNING?! Miyako: I'm Saitou Miyako, nice to meet ya!

Hi, Saitou! Can I be a Talent Manager here?
Hi, Saitou! I'm so happy to be here!
Hi, Saitou! Do you manage models here?
Hi, Saitou! Mem-Cho, I think we could just stay in LoveForReal.

Days passed, and you are still thinking if you want to be an Idol, Model, Talent Manager... Until you decide!

LoveFroReal pls
Idol pls
Work in Ichigo Productionssss
Model like Minami!
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