Personality and professions

Personality and professions

Let's take a quiz to find out which professions you match.

Imagem de perfil user: Manuella Nascimento


Talking about interaction with world are you more?

Talking about interaction with world are you more?

Introvert (often like working alone or small groups)
Extrovert (are energized by people)
Talking about absorption of information are you more?

Talking about absorption of information are you more?

Sensor (focus on the facts and details)
Intuitive (focus on possibilities and the big picture)
Talking about decision-making are you more?

Talking about decision-making are you more?

Thinker (tend to make decisions using logical analysis)
Feeler (tend to be sensitive and cooperative)
Talking abou organization are you more?

Talking abou organization are you more?

Judger (tend to be organized and prepared)
Perceiver (prefer to keep their options open and to be flexible plans made)
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