Quizz (teste) discover your personality

Quizz (teste) discover your personality

Um quizz simples com 10 perguntas e ao final terá a resposta de acordo com as questões que foram respondidas


1. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

a) Reading a book
b) Go out with friends
c) Doing outdoor activities
d) Watching films or series

2. When you have to make an important decision, you...

a) Think carefully about all options
b) Ask friends for advice
c) Trust your instinct
d) Make a list of pros and cons

3-Which of these adjectives best describes you?

a) Introvert
b) Extrovert
c) Adventurer
d) Organized

4-If you were an animal, which one would you be?

a) Cat
b) Dog
c) Eagle
d) Horse

5. How do you deal with stressful situations?

a) I stay calm and think before acting
b) Talk to someone you trust
c) I exercise to relieve stress
d) I organize my tasks to better manage time

6. What is most important to you in a relationship?

a) Open communication
b) Fun and adventures
c) Mutual support
d) Stability and trust

7. What is your favorite type of film?

a) Drama
b) Comedy
c) Action
d) Documentary

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world, would you go to...

a) A historic city
b) A tropical beach
c) A mountain trail
d) A luxury resort

9. How would you describe your work style?

a) Detailed and meticulous
b) Creative and innovative
c) Practical and efficient
d) Collaborative and communicative

10. Which of these activities do you prefer?

a) Meditation or yoga
b) Party with friends
c) Extreme sports
d) Plan events
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