Ética (aula de inglês)
This is a test where you will have situations that you will have to answer what you would do.

1-You are late and in the parking has novacancy just that one of elderly \ pregnant people. What do you do:
I park in a forbidden place because I'm late
I park behind another car and in the break I put in a normal position, but Ihave the risk of having a fine
I wait for another vacancy because I'm not an elderly \ Pregnant to use thatvacancy.

2- You're walking down the street and you find a wallet, with money and the identify of the owner. What do you do:
Found is not stolen, who lost wasrelaxed;
I take the money and leave it at anearby store, because if the ownersearches it will find the documents;
I search the social networks the personand give the wallet with the money tothe owner.

3-You are on the street, waiting for the traffic sign to open and old lady on your arm, what you do:
A) I cross the street and do not give importance to the lady;
B) I withdraw her hand from my arm, but I cross beside her;
C) I say hi and help the lady to cross the street.

You go to the grocery store and you're going to the cashier with your groceries, but the queues are too crowded and you don't want to wait,and realizes that the preferred queue is not so full, what you would do:
A) Ignored the fact that you cannot use that preferred queue and will spend your purchases there.
B) You observe if the box is empty so as not to disturb anyone in need
C) You respect the rules of each queue and wait until your turn even being in a hurry

5- You're in the market and you get morechange. What do you do:
I do not care because the mistake wasnot mine and if it is the opposite I cannot take my purchase;
I don't care because they are cents, itwill give a lot of work return
I give it back to the cashier because it's not my money.