The Cursed Girl

The Cursed Girl

Finish the story, make the girl's way. In the end, depending on her choices, she can live happily ever after or die.

Imagem de perfil user: anairam
In a house very far from the city, lived a witch who created dolls and owned them. Dolls became children and were forced to work for the witch.
(you are the gril)

In a house very far from the city, lived a witch who created dolls and owned them. Dolls became children and were forced to work for the witch. A DOLL HAS JUST BEEN OWNED WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? (you are the gril)

Be working seriously.
Pretend to be working.

Your answers to that question will give the same result. At the end of the day you are very tired.

Read a hidden magic book
Listen to the Witch's conversation with her crow

You have discovered a recipe that turns the children you own into normal children. What will you do?

I don't want to say my discover for the others.
I am going to say my discover for the kids.I don't want to say my discover for the others.
Will you try to make the recipe even if you don't really know what you
 saw / heard or will you try to collect more information?

Will you try to make the recipe even if you don't really know what you saw / heard or will you try to collect more information?

Will you try to collect more information.
Make the recipe even if you don't really know what you saw / heard.
You will make the recipe and you can make it in the kitchen with everyone watching or in your hidden room. What will you do?

You will make the recipe and you can make it in the kitchen with everyone watching or in your hidden room. What will you do?

In your hidden room.
Make it in the kitchen with everyone watching.
You made the recipe and ate it, now you will run away. Will you take one of the children or your bird with you?

You made the recipe and ate it, now you will run away. Will you take one of the children or your bird with you?

Your bird with you.
Will you take one of the children
You will run away at night or in the morning?

You will run away at night or in the morning?

At night.
In the morning.

Do you think you managed to escape?

YES :)
NO :(
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