Trabalho em grupo: quizz

Trabalho em grupo: quizz

"What personality style do you have?"; "What celebrity are you similar to?


1. How do you generally feel at large social gatherings?

a) Anxious/nervous
b) Excited
c) Comfortable
d) Indifferent

2. When faced with a difficult problem, what is your initial approach?

a) Seek advice from others
b) Try to resolve it on your own
c) Stay calm and think carefully
d) Temporarily ignore and come back later

3. How would you describe yourself in terms of adaptability to change?

a) I prefer routine and stability
b) I accept changes with some initial resistance
c) I adapt easily to new situations
d) I like frequent changes and new challenges

4. How do you act at a party?

a) I talk to everyone
b) I stay quieter
c) I speak when necessary
d) I observe more than I talk

5. What do you do when you're stressed?

a) I get very worried
b) I stay calm and think about what to do
c) I try to avoid the problem
d) I ask for help from others

6. How do you make an important decision?

a) I go with my feelings
b) I think a lot before deciding
c) I ask others for their opinion
d) I decide quickly and trust my choice

7. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

a) Reading a book
b) Playing sports
c) Sleeping or resting
d) Watching a movie

8. How do you handle constructive criticism?

a) I take it personally and get upset
b) I consider it carefully and try to improve
c) I appreciate it and implement changes quickly
d) I listen but often disregard it

9. How do you prefer to work on projects?

a) Independently, without distractions
b) In a small team with clear roles
c) In a large, collaborative group
d) With minimal supervision, given a lot of freedom

10. How do you feel about taking risks?

a) I avoid risks whenever possible
b) I take calculated risks after thorough analysis
c) I enjoy taking risks and exploring new possibilities
d) I take risks impulsively without much thought faça o mesmo que você fez para oas outras questões
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