Unit 5- Green Living

Unit 5- Green Living

Water Pollution

Imagem de perfil user: tatiana carvalho



What is the main cause of water pollution?

Contaminatios by sewage
Contamination by pollutants and sewage
Contamination by pollutants

The human being has caused all this damage to nature through what?

Waste and sewerage
Sewerage and industrial chemical waste
Waste; Sewerage and industrial chemical waste

What are the problems caused by water pollution?

Diarrhea and hepatitis
Diarrhea; hepatitis and typhoid
Hepatitis and typhoid

What are the main water pollutants?

Cookink oil; Garbage and Petroleum
Cooking oil; Garbage and Heavy metals
Cooking oil; Garbage; Heavy metals; Petroleum; Fertilisers and Domestic sewage systems

Why is water so important?

Cause without water we would't live
For without water our life on earth would not exist
Cause without water we wouldn't work

The microorganisms are eliminated from the water through the...

Disinfection and boiling

What tips to decrease water Pollution?

Do not litter rivers, beaches and lakes; Do not pour domestic sewage into streams; do nor pour chemicals into the water and do not dispose of frying oil in the sewer
Do not litter rivers, beaches and lakes; Do not pour domestic sewage into streams
Do not pour domestic sewage into streams and Do not litter rivers, beaches and lakes
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