Oh no!!! You kidnapped someone, how absurd!!! But why did you?
The mf owed me 3 euros
I mean, why not?
It was unintentional (it clearly wasn't
it was unintentional (it really was
To do society a favor
But I was the victim...?
Job is job
You would kill someone for...
One more, one less, it doesn't make a difference
Huh? (Didn't hear the question)
*Hides the knife*
Just if my life is on it
*Is the main name on the police blacklist*
What kind of person are you at school?
I have my popularity/attention and I love it
The one who bullies everyone and everything
It's just there to be present, no one actually knows you exist
Class clown that everyone hates on
Fighter kid
Gets bullied
How unlucky, the elevator broke down with you inside... What are you going to do?
*Desperate laughs*
Stay calm and try to think of a logical solution
Desperately pressess on all the buttons and that only makes the situation worse
Threaten the elevator
You're the reason elevator broke down actually
The only smart one who decided to call security and wait quietly
What if someone points a knife at you and says "I'm going to kill you"?
"Not if I kill you first"
"Do you want help with that?" *Jumps from the fifth floor*
*finger guns*
Beat them up
*...Looks them up and down with the biggest disgusted face*
What hobbies do you usually have?
Watch a film or series... no matter how suspicious the content might be...
Physical exercise
Traveling in your own head
I have no preference to do anything
Kill people ngl
Choose a phrase that is possibly most similar to you
"The one who came to kill me was the only one who made me feel alive"
"I feel like a human now, but if that doesn't make me one, then what am I anyway? What am I missing?"
"I would write with your blood to mark your presence on my paper, but what if it's not a paper after all?"
"Attention is only good when you act in the perfect way they want you to be, other than that, they are a bunch of hypocritices"
"I'm the best, I want to be the best. Or maybe I just want to be loved...?"
"I'm not a bad dog, I don't know why I bite"
"Believe me when I say I just want to save you"
"I was created to kill, just like an exterminating machine... Sometimes I don't feel human"
On roblox: "Haha, you smell like sh/it" - 11 year old kid
*43 paragraphs cursing up the kid until getting your account permanently banned*
*Blocks the kid*
*Tracks the kid's IP and shows up at their house*
"That's why i hate kids"
"I'll tell ur mom, k?"
*Tortures the kid in the next rounds until they leave the game*
Are you more introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
Oh no!!!! You found a demon who wants to take your soul!!! What will you d-
"Me will adopt"
*Insect killing spray*
"Nah, I don't share. The soul is mine, go get your own"
You gay?
Is that really a question?
What is a gay?
I don't care about love, why would I care about gay
*Eye contact*