você entende de letra por letra das musicas do  harry styles.

você entende de letra por letra das musicas do harry styles.

vamos ver se você entende de letra por letra do harry styles.

Imagem de perfil user: Jeane Sierra

Jeane Sierra



she worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect and all the boys , they were into it such a pretty face , on a pretty neck qual é a letra dessa musica do harry ?

sign of the times
two ghosts
sweet creature
don ´t let me go

just stop your crying it`s a sign of the times welcome to the final show hope you `re wearing your best clothes you can`t bribe the door on your way to the sky you look pretty good dwon here but you ain `t really good qual é a letra dessa musica do harry ?

sign of the times
two ghosts
sweet creature
don `t let me go

she `s got a family in carolina so far away , but she says l remind her of home feeling oh so far fron home she never saw herself as a west coaster moved all the way ´ cause her grandma told her towns , better swim before you drown qual é a letra dessa muisica do harry ?

sign of the times
two ghosts
don ´t let me go

same lips red , same eyes blue same white shirt , couple more tattooos but it`s not me tastes so sweet , looks so real sounds leke somethign that l used to feel but l can´t touch what l see qual é a letra dessa musica do harry ?

two ghosts
sign of the times
don `t let me go

now you `re standing there right in front of me i hold on , it`s getting harder to breathe all of a sudden , these lights are blinding me l never noticed how bright they would be qual é a letra dessa musica do harry ?

don`t let me go
two ghosts
sign of the times
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