Are you aware of the knowledge that a professional acting as a Translator and Interpreter should carry in his "luggage"?

Are you aware of the knowledge that a professional acting as a Translator and Interpreter should carry in his "luggage"?

The following quantitative research of multiple-choice questions is conducted with the purpose of obtaining data (albeit superficial) according to the previous knowledge, of undergraduate students of the Languages course, about the necessary knowledge that the professionals working as Translators and Interpreters should have. Bearing in mind that, for the Languages course, in addition to providing the necessary education to the students for them to become competent teachers, It Is Important to amplify our vision to the other opportunities inside the market that the course presents us: Translator, Interpreter, Editor, Reviewer, and even Writer.

Imagem de perfil user: Flora Lorena
Flora Lorena
1) what's the difference between a translator and an interpreter?

1) what's the difference between a translator and an interpreter?

a) The translator makes use of orality only while the interpreter uses writing exclusively.
b) Both the translator and the interpreter make use of both oral and written practices.
c) The translator is responsible for the written version of texts, while the interpreter must translate oral speeches.
2) There are two essential requirements that both translation and interpretation will require of this professional. What would they be?

2) There are two essential requirements that both translation and interpretation will require of this professional. What would they be?

a) Knowledge of the two languages ​​(arrival and departure) and their Cultures.
b) Interpersonal relationships and an extensive vocabulary.
c) The availability of travel times and a specialization.
3) Professional translators and interpreters face major challenges, but for one that can be considered more difficult, what would it be?

3) Professional translators and interpreters face major challenges, but for one that can be considered more difficult, what would it be?

a) Operational challenges (related to the execution of the work itself).
b) Marketing challenges (related to the profession in the labor market).
4) An Interpreter in action, in a lecture must keep an eye out ...

4) An Interpreter in action, in a lecture must keep an eye out ...

a) The correct pronunciation of the terms and the intonation that is transmitted.
b) The research that should be done after the lecture is over.
c) The grammar and spelling of words.
5) A Translator in action, when translating a book must keep an eye on ...

5) A Translator in action, when translating a book must keep an eye on ...

a) Only normative grammar and colloquial language.
b) Cultural characteristics of each language.
c) In general, grammar, spelling, terminology etc.
6) Within the scope of the interpretation there are four modalities: simultaneous, consecutive, at a glance and whisper. Which of the alternatives describes the consecutive?

6) Within the scope of the interpretation there are four modalities: simultaneous, consecutive, at a glance and whisper. Which of the alternatives describes the consecutive?

a) It occurs at the same time, for example, in a lecture the speaker speaks to the public while the interpreter translates a booth allowing the public access to translation through headphones.
b) Done after the speaker's speech, that is, the speaker speaks a period and the interpreter speaks after there is an alternation between the speaker's speech and his interpretation.
c) It is the action of the interpreter to take a book, a short story in Portuguese and read it in English.
7) What shouldn't a translator do?

7) What shouldn't a translator do?

a) Consult your glossary.
b) Make use of technologies to help you in your hard work.
c) Changing the object of his work, of his translation into something totally different from what it is, for example, a contract is a contract he cannot return to the owner in summary form.
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