voce sabe de letra por letra das musicas da banda one direction

voce sabe de letra por letra das musicas da banda one direction

vamos ver se voce sabe de letra por letra das musicas dos meninos da banda one direction arasa directioner

Imagem de perfil user: Jeane Sierra

Jeane Sierra

qual é a letra desse trexo directioner  ? can ´t believe you ´re packing your bags trying so hard not  to cry  had  the  best time and now it´s the  worst time but we have to  say  goodbye.

qual é a letra desse trexo directioner ? can ´t believe you ´re packing your bags trying so hard not to cry had the best time and now it´s the worst time but we have to say goodbye.

summer love
you and i
rock me
best song ever
steal my girl
stole my heart
qual é a letra de trexo directioner ? i  want you to rock me  rock me   rock me yeah  i  want  you to rock me  rock me  rock me yeah  i want you to hit the  pedal  heavy  metal show me you  care  i want you to rock me  rock me  rock me yeah.

qual é a letra de trexo directioner ? i want you to rock me rock me rock me yeah i want you to rock me rock me rock me yeah i want you to hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care i want you to rock me rock me rock me yeah.

rock me
night changes
kiss you
stole my heart
steal my girl
best song ever
qual é a letra dessa musica directioner ?  oh spaces between  us  keep getting  deeper lt`s harder  to  reach  you  even  though  l try  spaces  between us  hold  all  our  secrets  leaving  us speechless  and l  don ´t know  why .

qual é a letra dessa musica directioner ? oh spaces between us keep getting deeper lt`s harder to reach you even though l try spaces between us hold all our secrets leaving us speechless and l don ´t know why .

you and i
rock me
steal my girl
best song ever

qual é a letra dessa musica directioner ? l think l`m gonna lose my mind , something deep inside me , l can ´t give up , l think l`m gonna lose my mind , l roll and l roll´til l`m out of luck , yheah, l roll and l roll `til l `m out of luck.

rock me
best song ever
steal my girl

qual é a letra dessa musica directioner ? here, we go again another go around for all of my friends another night stopped, will it ever end ? here we go again.

rock me
best song ever
night changes
steal my girl

qual é a letra dessa de musica directioner se prepare que é a pergunta final ? can we fall, one more time ? stop the tape and rewind oh and if you walk away l know l ´ll fade cause there is nobody else.

gotta be you
rock me
night changes
steal my girl
best song ever
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