what detective would you be?

what detective would you be?

Someone was murdered and you need to solve the case. What kind of detective would you be in this story?

Imagem de perfil user: mario ferrari

mario ferrari


Do you believe in happy endings?

I try to
I prefer to prepare myself for the worst
I believe in happy moments

Do you think your personal problems would disturb your judgment or your performance at work?

My problems are my motivation
Can be, but I will do my best to avoid it
I am aware of my fragile mind, but I know it would not disturb anything

Choose a phrase:

Never trust to general impressions
Killing isn't like smoking. You can quit
Pray for the best, prepare for the worst

Cold or warm places?


Do you think a case can be simpler than it looks like?

No, never
Yes, always

Would you work with innocent witnesses to complete the case faster?

There are no innocents in a crime
Just if I have 100% of certain
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