What fruit would you be

What fruit would you be

Trabalho- Inglês Quizz de personalidade Qual fruta você seria


How do you usually handle stressful situations?

I try to resolve it quickly.
I isolate myself to think and find a solution.
I ask for help from friends or family.
I avoid thinking about it until it passes.

What is your favorite hobby?

Reading books or watching movies.
Playing sports or doing outdoor activities.
Socializing with friends and family.
Working on creative projects like crafts or writing.

How do you make important decisions?

Based on facts and logic.
Following my gut instinct.
Consulting other people.
Considering long-term consequences.

How would you describe your communication style?

Direct and to the point.
Diplomatic and careful.
Energetic and enthusiastic.
Reserved and thoughtful.

Which of these qualities do you value most in others?


Which statement best describes your approach to work or projects?

I am highly organized and plan everything in advance.
I am spontaneous and adapt as I go.
I collaborate closely with others.
I prefer to work independently and at my own pace.

How do you feel about taking risks?

I enjoy taking risks and trying new things.
I am cautious and prefer to avoid risks.
I assess the potential benefits and drawbacks before deciding.
I take calculated risks but avoid unnecessary ones.

What motivates you the most?

Achieving personal goals.
Helping others and making a difference.
Gaining recognition and success.
Learning and self-improvement.

How do you react to changes in your plans?

I embrace change and adapt easily.
I feel stressed but manage to adjust.
I prefer to stick to the original plan.
I seek advice and support to navigate the change.

How do you usually spend your time?

Exploring new places or traveling.
Relaxing at home with a good book or movie.
Engaging in a hobby or personal project.
Spending time with friends and family.
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