What is the best destination for you to travel?
According to your personality, find out which destination is best for you to travel.

How many people do you usually travel with?
Just a friend or family member
More than two people
More people better
I prefer traveling alone

A perfect trip for you need to have:
A good company
Good food, because I love to eat new things
Diversity of activities to pass the time
A quiet and noiseless place

On your last vacation, you spent most of the time:
Enjoying the place, relaxing and enjoying the view
Getting to know new places, because I am the kind of person who loves to discover new places
Lying down or sleeping, because I travel to rest
Discovering new possibilities and activities

What is the perfect climate for you to go on vacation?
Cold, because it's cozy
Hot, to enjoy the water with few clothes and get a tan
Autumn, because it is neither too cold nor too hot
Spring, to enjoy the good view of the rising flowers and the not so hot summer heat

What gets you most excited about a vacation?
The good food
Take photos
Go shopping
Knowing the place