What is your Alpa Culture superpower?

What is your Alpa Culture superpower?

Hello alpalover! Welcome to this quiz, which was created so you can find out what your Culture superpower is! In each question, choose the alternative you most identify yourself and, at the end, check the result. It will show which set of attributes and behaviors linked to our principles is predominant in you. This is a way to enhance what each person already has the best and strongest in favor of our culture, but it doesn't mean that you can't develop the other superpowers, agreed? So let's get started! Afterwards, share the result on your social networks so that everyone knows your Alpa culture superpower!

Imagem de perfil user: P3K Comunicação

You arrive at work and find a notice informing you that procedures that are part of your daily tasks had some changes made to them. Your behavior will be focused on:

Reaching out to the leadership to clarify possible questions you might have and start putting the new guidelines into practice right away.
Linking the changes to the purpose of our business and realizing that, just like everything else that Alpa does, this new method aims to place consumers and society in the center of what we do.
Sharing the changes with other team members and making yourself available to answer any questions and help them implement the new guidelines.
Accepting that changes might be harder at the outset, but they are necessary for the future of the business.
Recalling that evolution is in Alpa’s DNA. Therefore, in addition to implementing the new guidance, you will keep an eye out for other changes that can also contribute to the business if implemented.
Immediately paying attention to how people are feeling due to the changes.

The reason you would say you are an Alpalover is because...

You are an ambassador for our brands and our cause, applying them in your routine whenever you get a chance to do so.
You are committed and willing to promote the changes your company needs.
You have a systemic vision without losing the focus on our way of being and people’s well-being.
You are not afraid to be daring, to innovate, and go beyond. And that is so Alpa!
You relate to the way Alpa sees the future.
You are an agent of change and are present where things actually happen, and you are guided by your willingness to learn and grow.

If you were a superhero or superheroine, who would you be?

The She-Hulk: You spare no effort to bring the best results for the business, with determination, excellence, and without being afraid of taking calculated risks.
Captain American: You weigh up on the impact of your decisions and ensure they are positive on your colleagues and society.
Scarlet Witch: has team spirit and is not afraid to dare and go further. You are always proposing disruptive, creative, and innovative ideas.
Professor X: You observe before acting to execute with intelligence and insight, and aligned with the business strategy.
Wonder Woman: You can make simple and quick decisions, always with a vision of sustainability and thinking of tomorrow.
Spider-Man: You want to be better by the day and influence others to do the same. You face challenges as if they were opportunities to evolve.

If you were one of Alpa’s products, which one would it be?

Bag: you are fully aligned with our strategy, objectives, and vision, keeping the focus on our way of being and on the well-being of our people.
Glasses: you seek simple and quick solutions that look from a sustainability perspective, reaching surprising results.
Havaianas Slide: you stand for evolution and propose solutions.
Havaianas Tradi: you are a protagonist of change, defining processes, taking risks, and learning from mistakes.
Cap: you are an ambassador for our brands and ensure that your actions have a positive impact.
TNS: you provide people with the best experiences, considering different points of view, and are not afraid of being daring.

In your opinion, you’d say you are…

Courageous, daring, and determined.
Careful, detail-oriented, and sympathetic.
Collaborative, innovative, and an enabler.
Focused, decided, and quick.
Curious, perceptive, and convincing.
Observant, strategic, and insightful.

Which of the situations best define who you are?

You never miss any events, get along with different groups, and love making new friends anywhere you are.
You take Alpa’s products and brands wherever you go, from head to toe. On top of that, you are a great listener and pay attention to all details surrounding you.
You are constantly seeking something new to do and love to be challenged, and whenever you see something wrong, you do not accept the status quo of that situation and start seeking a way to address it.
You are highly observant, and whenever you interact with others, you are very kind and concerned with everyone’s well-being.
You are curious and restless, and always eager to learn something new in the places you are.
You love contents that make you reflect on how to transform the world into a better place for everyone.
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