What kind of teacher are you ?

What kind of teacher are you ?

A quiz made for English language.

Imagem de perfil user: Ivan Lúcio

Ivan Lúcio



If the class starts at 7:50 a.m., when do you arrive?

7:30 am
7:50 am
7:00 am.

When you are giving class, how many students are there?

Almost every student.
Very few students.
Some students, but nobody is paying attention.
What student?

Do you prefer to:

Write on the board.
Show a powerpoint.
Both of them.

The students study desperately before your test ?

Actually, nobody cares. The students get the answers with the other class.
Everybody studies a lot. Really, a lot. They try their best studying the previous tests from the past years
Test??? Tomorrow??? What's the subject?

Your class ends:

Right on time. Each minute is important and they can't be wasted.
I use about twenty minutes of students's lunch time. The class ends when I want it to end.
My class ends half an hour earlier. I just read the slide that I bring, it's no problem to keep reading it in the next class.

When you are creating your test, what do you think?

The test Will be based on the slide. "Who studied, studied"
What about a 5 pages test ? Tests with few questions allow students to cheat. The harder the better.
I will pretend that I really taught them, and I will put some questions that nobody will be able to answer

The final question is: have you ever had any trouble turning on the projector ?

of course not, easy peasy.
... I had to ask for help sometimes...
OMG my engineers degree didn't teach me that!
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