What sea creature are you?

What sea creature are you?

Have you ever tought about being a sea creature and how challenging it would be? What if I tell you that the human society is an ocean of behaviours and hierarchies?

Imagem de perfil user: Shizarah Neko

Shizarah Neko


In difficult times, you:

Ask for help.
Do what needs to be done.
Nobody will never ever know that you are in trouble

When you are happy, you:

Watch Netflix or listen to music enjoying yourself and your good vibe.
Throw a party.
Invite some friends to hang out.

If someone hurts your feelings, you:

I'll do the obvious choice: revenge!
I'll try to understand the person's point of view.
I try to avoid the person or situation until I get ready to do something about it.

You are late for something, you:

Hurry, of course!
I just give up.
Did I had something to do?

What's your favorite way to spend some free time?

Read books!
Watch TV.
Eat something while playing videogames.
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