What sport is the most recomended for you

What sport is the most recomended for you

Discover the best sport for you!

Imagem de perfil user: Marcelo Gomes

Marcelo Gomes


How do you feel about heights?

Higher, better!
I'm really feared by them!

What is the best weather for you?

I like when it´s sunny and warm
I prefer a colder temperature
It doesn't matter for me

Do you like water, or know how to swim?

Of course I like water! Why not?
I'm not really a fan of swimming pools and stuff...

Do you have a problem with deep places?

I don't have a problem with it
They kind of scare me...

How do you feel about falling from high places?

I have no problem with that
I don't really mind it, but i'm kind of bothered
How can someone stand it?

If you made a trip, where would you choose to go?

A big city with lots of obstacles
Probably I would go to the beach
I would travel into the deep sea
I would go somewhere I could connect myself with the nature
I would go to a sports center
A long course with some obstacles

Are you competitive?

Of course!
Nah, I don't see a reason for that
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