What Type of Social Responsibility Advocate Are You?

What Type of Social Responsibility Advocate Are You?

This quiz will help you to know which type of social responsibility advocate are you and how you can increase your involvement based on your preferences.

Imagem de perfil user: raissa canelas

raissa canelas



How do you prefer to give back?

Volunteering my time
Donating Goods or Money
Raising Awareness on Social Media
Organizing a Fundraising Event
Lobbying for Policy Changes
Mentoring or Tutoring Someone
Leading a Community Clean-Up or Green Initiative

What motivates you to get involved?

Helping others directly
Making a big impact in the community
Educating and inspiring others

How much time can you commit to giving back each month?

A few hours
10+ hours
Whenever I can fit it in

Was this the best presentation?

Yep, absolutely!

It's time to reveal the results

let's go
Sounds good
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