Whats is your type of personalaty?
Answer the questions of this quiz and find out yout type of personality. - Lívia - Pedro Toscano - Vinícus K.K
Do you consider yourself more emotional or you think before making a decision?
I think before making decisions
I do what my emotional say
What is a decision?
I don't care of this dawn
I stay very anxious and I always be in indecision
Do you think you need terapy?
Yes, sure, someone pay it for me please?
I don't know, sometimes I think yes, but sometimes I think no.
No, I'm very calm
I am great alone
Do you think you are more extrovert or introvert?
I'm more extrovert
I'm more introvert
I'm a easy going pearson
Let's imagine that your friends is suffering of some bad gossips. What would you do?
I would hit the person who do gossips in the face.
I would do more gossips
I would call teacher
I would be quiet
I would hug everybody
How many friends you have?
0, I don't need friends
1 or 2, I like to be more reserved
3 or 4, I like people
5 or 6, I love to have a gang
I am friend of everybody
If you are in a big group of people, what you would do?
Keep quiet
Talk with people who I know
Make friends
Run away of that place