What's your personality like?

What's your personality like?

Personality quiz.

Imagem de perfil user: Renata Vanzella
If you were caught in a traffic jam, what would you do?

If you were caught in a traffic jam, what would you do?

I would be annoyed, honk the horn and curse the traffic authorities.
I would take it easy and wait for the traffic jam to clear up.
If you had to make a difficult decision, how would you react?

If you had to make a difficult decision, how would you react?

I would breathe and think of a solution.
I would worry and freak out.
How often do you smile?

How often do you smile?

I always smile.
I never smile.
Do you consider yourself optimistic or pessimistic?

Do you consider yourself optimistic or pessimistic?

What is your life like?

What is your life like?

It's busy, full of activity and anxiety.
It's nice. I enjoy my free time.
When you have a bad day, how do you react?

When you have a bad day, how do you react?

I try to look at the bright side of things.
I take the responsability for it.
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