Which British city should I choose to live in as a student?

Which British city should I choose to live in as a student?

Hi, dear student! Please, answer this quiz and, in the end, we will suggest two city options, according to your finantial profile. Good luck, then! :)

Imagem de perfil user: Mayra Calixto

Mayra Calixto

What is your total monthly income available?

What is your total monthly income available?

Between £1500 and £1000
Between £1000 and £750
Between £750 and £500
How much could you spend in rent?

How much could you spend in rent?

More than £564,695
Between £229,434 and £346,902
Between £196,625 and £215,741
How much could you spend in food?

How much could you spend in food?

More than £50 per week
Between £50 and £35 per week
Between £35 and £20 per week
How much could you spend in a transport card?

How much could you spend in a transport card?

More than £50 per week
Between £40 and £30 per week
Between £20 and £10 per week
How much could you spend in your university expenses?

How much could you spend in your university expenses?

More than £50 per month
Between £40 and £30 per month
Between £20 and £10 per month
How much could you spend in your personal expenses?

How much could you spend in your personal expenses?

More than £50 per week
Between £40 and £30 per week
Between £20 and £10 per week
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