Which character would you be from Glitched?

Which character would you be from Glitched?

Glitched is a horror comic made by @enigmites, and although it's still in the first episodes, is doing ... a little successful, still has a great story!

Imagem de perfil user: xkun09

A man wearing a rabbit mask is right in front of you, what do you do?

Run until you find an exit
Attack him.
Do nothing
He has an anxiety attack because doesn't know what to do in the situation.

A stranger is giving you a drink, what do you do?

Drink It.
Don't drink it
Get out of there quickly
I can't drink that.

A salesman appears in front of you, what's the first thing you buy?

Health itens
Do you have a gun?
Chat with seller instead

Life is...

a dark place, where you don't know what awaits you.
a place where the only option is to be more powerful than others.
a wonderful place, despite having terrifying things
I don't know.
a miserable place.

Your boss is really mad at you, what do you do?

Try to calm them down, promising not to do what you did wrong again.
Try to take advantage of the situation.
Just keep quiet, listening to everything they have to say.
Plan how they will be killed.

What to do while being followed by an assassin?

Try to run or hide.
Look for something to attack him with.
Take advantage of the situation by manipulating him.

You received the news that your friend died, what would be your reaction?

I get desperate and start crying.
I don't cry, I just blame myself for not being with them.
I pretend to worry about it.
I dont have friends
I do nothing, because I know that I killed them.

Do you worry about what people think of you?

Why are you asking me that?

Which weapon would you use?

A knife.
I would use a strategy to not use weapons.
I would use a strategy to use weapons.

Who would you be in a horror movie?

Main character.
I would be the one who dies first
I would be the twist villain
I would be the killer
I would be the smart guy
I would probably be a robot

What's your personality?

Shy, cute, kind.
Silent, intelligent, arrogant.
Intelligent, gentle, serious.
Strategist, smart, serious.
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