which dog breed are you?

which dog breed are you?

Take this quiz to find out!

Imagem de perfil user: babi padilha

babi padilha



do you have a lot of energy?

yes, a lot! i can’t sit still even for a minute
no, i don’t. i prefer a good book than practicing exercises

is it important for you to be well dressed?

yes, i can’t leave home if i am not wearing a nice outfit
that actually doesn’t matter to me. sometimes i dress up, and sometimes i don’t.
that’s not important to me. why to waste time choosing an outfit if you can spend it on something else?

do you like interacting with other people in general?

yes, i love people! especially if they love me back
only if they give me attention
i prefer being alone than with other people

do you consider yourself a smart person?

yes, i always get good grades
sometimes i don’t get good grades even though i try very hard and study a lot
i don’t even try 👍 i prefer practicing sports than studying

what is your favorite season of the year?

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