Which fortnite dance you are?

Which fortnite dance you are?

Discover what dance more represent you

Imagem de perfil user: Eduardo Pasa

Eduardo Pasa


A five year old boy is building a 5 stars hotel in front of you, what do you do?

Pull the videogame off the outlet(tomada)
Fight back
Die to him
Start dancing

Which type of player are you

The builder
The fighter
The raci.. tryhard

Someone dance in front of you...

You kill him
You dance back
You ignore
You make a team together

You got attacked by a 5 years old player and you are with 1 hp what you do?

Heal yourself
Rush to get a DUZENTOOOOOS
Just dance

You are in the scrin what you do

Make a big base
Kill everyone
Die on purpose
You dance
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