Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?

Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?

Gryffindor? 💖 Ravenclaw? 💙 Slytherin? 💚 Or is it Hufflepuff? 💛

Imagem de perfil user: Lívia Dantas Murr


There is a troll in a bathroom; it is stuck there with someone you hate and someone that you don't know. What do you do?

There is a troll in a bathroom; it is stuck there with someone you hate and someone that you don't know. What do you do?

Nothing, but I hope it hurts my enemy.
I call my friends to help me save everyone in the bathroom.
I've read about it and I know I can fight it alone.
I wish I could do something, but I can't. I go and call a teacher to kill the troll.
You saw your best friend cheat on Snape's test and he found out. (that someone cheated) What do you do?

You saw your best friend cheat on Snape's test and he found out. (that someone cheated) What do you do?

I advise them to tell the truth, if they don't, I do.
I hide it from everybody, telling won't be any good for me anyways.
I come up with some solution good for everybody.
I try to take them out of that situation no matter what.
What would you like people to say about you?

What would you like people to say about you?

That I'm nice
That I'm smart
That I'm good (on something)
That I have guts

Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?


Which is more important for you?


Which one do you most rely on?

My ambitions
My friends' opinion
My brain
My instincts
How do you want to be remembered after you die?

How do you want to be remembered after you die?

As a person that is in the history books;
I don't need to be remembered if I had a good life;
As a good person;
I just want to do great things, anonymously;

What would you do if someone offended you?

Just walk away, I don't want any trouble;
Bewitch them and erase their memory afterwards;
Tell a teacher and spare me of trouble;
Offend them back;

On your free time, would you rather:

Go to Diagon Alley with your friends;
Make some "light reading";
Practice a wizarding sport;
Listen to music;
Sneak out to the Forbidden Forest;
Visit the Muggle world;
Explore the castle;
Send your family a letter;
Which potion would you choose?

Which potion would you choose?

Amortentia (love potion);
Felix felici (luck potion);
Polyjuice (transforms you in another person temporarily);
Veritaserum (makes anyone tell the truth);
You are fighting The Dark Lord with your best friends, and they're in danger. What would you do?

You are fighting The Dark Lord with your best friends, and they're in danger. What would you do?

Die WITH them;
Kill for them;
Die FOR them;
Try to save their lives, even if it costs yours;
You are at the Leaky Cauldron and find $100. What do you do?

You are at the Leaky Cauldron and find $100. What do you do?

I'd obviously keep it; who lost it probably is gone;
I feel tempted on keeping it, but in the end, I feel guilty and return it;
I think about it a lot, but in the end I give it back;
I don't even think about keeping it, I give it right back;
You have a really bad argue with your friend. What do you do?

You have a really bad argue with your friend. What do you do?

I ignore them until they apologize;
I apologize, but only if I was wrong;
I would never fight with my best friend;
I apologize anyways;

There's a new student at Hogwarts, they have no friends. What do you do?

I would try to befriend them;
I would talk to them to see if they can be trusted;
I would only talk to them if they were the same house as me;
I would observe them;

Which one is more important to you?


Would you rather:

Live without your freedom;
Live without assurance;
In your group of friends, what are you?

In your group of friends, what are you?

The nerd;
The joker;
The leader;
The one everyone goes for advise;

Which one is your biggest flaw?

Always thinking that I'm right;
Being too indecisive;
Always thinking I'm the victim of the situation;
Thinking more in others than in me;
In a competition, the most important thing is:

In a competition, the most important thing is:

To win;
To learn from mistakes;
To have fun;
To participate;

You get sorted on the house you least like. What do you do?

I try to make the house have the worst reputation possible;
I accept it and try to make friends;
I didn't even have a favorite house, I just want to learn;
I try my best as if I had been sorted in any other house;


Are a motivated person;
Get motivated by other people;
Do you preffer...

Do you preffer...

Group work;
Solo work;

If you were in your first flying lesson and a girl fell off her broom, what would your reaction be?

I would see if the girl was hurt and try not to make the same mistake myself.
I would leave her there and concentrate on my lesson.
I would stop the class and call the teacher to help her.
I would check if she was okay and laugh with her about it after class.

If you were walking into the common room of your house and you noticed that someone forgot the password, what would you do?

I would tell them the password and some tricks so they wont forget it again.
I would probably laugh and then tell them the password.
I would say the password right away; is the same as they would do for me.
I would say the password and tell them that I used to forget it too so they don't feel bad.
At last, the sortig hat takes your opinion in consideration, so what house would you like to be sorted into?

At last, the sortig hat takes your opinion in consideration, so what house would you like to be sorted into?

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